Humidity and temperature sensor AM2301 (I2C ) for Lan Controller v3

Humidity and temperature sensor AM2301 (I2C ) for Lan Controller v3
Your price incl. VAT (20.0%)
15.00 BGN
✅ In Stock < 10 Бр.
Delivery Planned Delivery Date by Courier to you 09-04-2025
Product number
Product Code
24 months

Product description

Sensor for temperature and humidity.Cooperating with LanKontrolerem LK3 only.

with 1mb cables and socket RJ12 6P6C

sensor ( AM2320 )
for measuring humidity works in the range of 0% -99.9% RH with an accuracy of ±3% RH and resolution 0.1% and temperature: -40 ° C to 85 ° C ± 0.5 °C and resolution 0.1°C

Only 1 pc work with LK3 on I2C dataBus.