Masterlan Air1 fiber optic cable - 2vl 9/125, air-blowen, SM, HDPE, black, G657A1, 2000m

Product description
Optical Fiber Cable Air1 is high quality micro CLT cable. Optical fibers are situated in jelly-filled central loose tube. The central loose tube is covered with aramid yarn which is the main strenght member. Outer sheat is UV stable and made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) material which allows easy and smooth cable blowing. All types of Masterlan Air1 (2 - 12 fibres) are 2.8mm diameter which allows to use them with microtubes of maximum 3.5 mm diameter. It’s made of Corning optical fibers (G.657.A1) which are the world’s best at the moment. We highly recommend to use this optical cable only just for the cable blowing. All details you will find in datasheet.
FAiR2SM2000b optical cable is sold in 2000m quality wooden spool, cable has black colour.